Baker Drain Services 01902 762274 John Direct 07768 297435

Drain Repairs

in Wolverhampton

No VAT 7 Days

Drain Repairs In Wolverhampton

Drain repair is required to the manhole to prevent further blockages.



We carry out drain repairs in Wolverhampton 7 days a week. Broken drains repaired, collapsed drains replaced, new drains installed and soil pipes renewed.

At Baker Drainage we will do all we can to solve your drainage problems without the need for excavation. Many faults can be rectified by relining or inserting a patch liner however, in many cases excavation is the best or only solution in repairing your drainage system.

We offer a comprehensive drain repair and renovation service for private and commercial drainage systems, both above and below ground. Often it is possible to repair seriously damaged pipes or install drains without  excavation work. Having the right company with years of experience carrying out the work for you makes all the difference.

Baker Drainage carry out excavations with minimal disruption when there is no alternative but to dig, for example, when there are junctions, lateral connections or severely misaligned joints. We adhere to the highest industry standards of Health and Safety. You can be sure that you are in safe hands. We understand how disruptive it can be for you or your business and will do our utmost to complete the job as quickly as possible.

If your drain needs a repair ring John on 01902 762274 or mobile 07768 297435.

Broken drain pipe


We pride ourselves on our commitment to providing a quality service whatever the size of the job. Whether it's for a  domestic drain repair or a complete drainage replacement. We have the experience to provide a comprehensive and professional service.

Baker Drainage will locate the problem and excavate the area to expose the issue such as a collapsed  or damaged drain caused by tree roots. We will then replace any damaged pipework leaving your building with a fully functioning drainage system, making sure that any areas that we have excavated are put back as they were found.

The cost of any drain repair work is often covered by your buildings insurance. You can if you wish, authorise us to speak directly to your insurer while we carry out the drain repairs, ensuring the claim is resolved quickly and to requirements. We provide affordable drain excavation services to both residential and commercial properties.

We believe in keeping customers costs to a minimum wherever possible. Baker Drainage have built a solid reputation by offering a cost effective service without compromising safety or the quality of work.

If your drains need replacing ring John on 01902 762274 or mobile 07768 297435.