Baker Drain Services 01902 762274 John Direct 07768 297435
Drain Smells
in Wolverhampton
No VAT 7 Days
Drain Smells In Wolverhampton
Are your drains causing a bad smell in the house? Is the smell noticeable only at certain times of the day or after the drain hasn’t been used for some time?
Drain odours are a common plumbing problem, they have a number of different causes but they aren’t always difficult to fix. Probably the most common cause is a collection of waste in the underground drainage system in other words a blockage or part blockage causing gasses to travel up the line to the house. Under normal usage conditions drain odours are blocked by your P trap, a 180 degree bend in your drain line which traps water to prevent odours passing through. Loss of trap seal (evaporation of water in the trap) in little used facilities is also very common. If the water seal evaporates drain smells can pass into the building.
If you have drain smells ring John on 01902 762274 or mobile 07768 297435.
Has it been several days since you last used a drain? Whether it’s in your bathroom, your kitchen, or a utility room drain, any drain with a connection to your sewer line can cause foul odours if the trap isn’t functioning correctly. Usually evaporation of trap seal takes several days the easiest way to fix this problem is to simply turn the tap on to refill the P-trap. If the drain is a sink drain, run the water for about 10-15 seconds. If it’s a shower problem allow it to run for about a minute. Loss of trap seal is rare for toilets but can be solved with a simple flush. If it’s a reoccurring problem you’ve probably got a blockage.
If you just can’t get rid of the drain smell the answer could be jetting to clean the system and possibly a CCTV check, just give us a call for a quote.
If you need our drain jetting service ring John on 01902 7862274 or mobile 07768 297435.